Saturday, March 16, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week 3 Assignment Part 2

 The lesson builder through UDL CAST has been the most detailed lesson template I have seen thus far. Although I am a first year teacher, I have seen various templates through my pedagogy courses and in textbooks. However, none as detailed as this one. In addition, it allows you to plan everything for the unit/lesson from guided practice, independent practice, formal and informal assessments, etc. It also helps us to sit down and plan how how to incorporate technology within the lesson. As mentioned in part 1 of this assignment, I do plan to as our principal and/or my district to see if we can adopt this style of lesson planning. It will help us as teachers to plan accordingly in order to make our lesson fun, interactive, and educational.

Lesson Overview
Energy of the Human Body
Joseph Cantu
Grade Level(s):
2 Class Periods
Subject Area:
Anatomy and Physiology
Unit Description
This will be the introductory lesson to the Anatomy and Physiology course. The students will be able to explore the energy needs of the human body and analyze the chemical reactions of those energy needs. 
Lesson Description for Day
In this lesson students will be introduced to the different types of energy that the human body needs. They will then be broken up into groups/stations and will break each energy need into a balanced chemical reaction state.
§130.206. Anatomy and Physiology
(4)  The student evaluates the energy needs of the human body and the processes through which these needs are fulfilled. The student is expected to:
(A)  analyze the chemical reactions that provide energy for the body;

Unit Goals:
1. Students will be able to determine the energy needs of the human body.
2. Students will be able to take each energy need and break it down into its balance chemical reaction state.
3. Students will be able to apply the lesson in order to research human diseases that lack a certain energy need.
Lesson Goals:

1. Students will identify the definition of energy.
2. Students will be able to make a connection between energy and the human body.
3. Students will be able to break down each energy need to its chemical reaction state.
4. Students will be able to balance the chemical reaction state of the energy need. 

Anticipatory Set:

1. Inform the students of the objectives and goals they will obtain at the end of this unit. 
2. Introduce the E-Book to the students as an engagement exercise to the lesson. 
3. Brainstorm for a couple of minutes as to what energy really is by taking suggestions from the students. Take each suggestion and write it down on the dry erase board for some type of poster paper. 
4. Create a formal definition of energy for Anatomy and Physiology.
Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
1. Introduce the different types of energy the human body needs as well as their functions by providing a power point lesson.
2. Explore each type of energy and break it down into its balanced chemical reaction state. 
Provide Guided Practice:

The students will be separated into different stations, according to the number of types of energy we will be studying throughout this unit. Each station will be in charge of identifying the energy, its purpose to the human body, and its chemical reaction components. After each station is complete, they will present what they learned to the others in the class. 
Provide Independent Practice
Students will have a matching worksheet that will have the balanced chemical reaction state on one side and the name of the energy on the other side. Individually, they must match each name to its respective balanced chemical reaction state. In addition, after completion, the student will create a half size poster of any type of energy with the following (1) its name, (2) its function, (3) how it relates to real life, (3) and its balanced chemical reaction state. The following will be provided to them:
  • magazines
  • scissors, glue, tape
  • markers, map pencils, crayons
  • computer/printer
Students who are complete with their independent practice will be allowed to share their work with the class. In addition, as a class, we will vote on the best ones and hang them in the classroom.

Formative/Ongoing Assessment:

As a teacher, I will make sure to do the following:
  • Encourage classroom discussion and provide higher order thinking questions. 
  • Monitor students as they complete their guided practice exercise.

Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:

The students will have a project as their end of lesson assessment. They will pick a disease from a list that I will provide. They must create a documentary of the disease. However, they must have the following
  • Name of the disease
  • What it does to the body
  • The type of human energy it has and it lacks
  • Its chemical reaction state
  • Its antidote, if applicable. 
The student's grade will reflect on time/effort placed onto the project as well as its presentation.

Web Sites:
Video & Audio Resources:

·         Speakers
·         Video Cameras

Other Resources:
·         PowerPoint Software
·         Internet
·         Teacher personal computer and projector
·        Assignment Rubric

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